DB Rework + Randomisation UI

Casa de STACK for ILIAS

STACK is the world-leading open-source online assessment system for mathematics and STEM

Originally created by Chris Sangwin in 2004 at the University of Birmingham, It was adapted to Moodle in 2012 and it is maintained since then by Chris Sangwin, Matti Harjula (Aalto University) and Tim Lowe (Open University UK) being used in universities and educational institutions from all over the world
The ILIAS version of STACK has been developed by Jesús Copado with the support of Fred Neumann since 2013 at the Innovation in Learning Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen (Germany)
This public demonstration platform is supplied by SURLABS, a Software Development Studio founded in 2023 by the developer of STACK for ILIAS, to improve the quality of the plugin and provide a professional support to its users

Why use STACK in your ILIAS platform?

STACK is the most powerful STEM learning tool available in ILIAS, here some of the reasons
Algebraic answers
Students can answer algebraic expressions, like \(x + y\) and answers are automatically graded by the Computer Algebra System Maxima, based on mathematical properties chosen by the teacher.
Multiple exercises in one Question
Each STACK question has 1 to n inputs to be answered by the student, so they are the ideal type of questions if you want to assess different student competences in the same ILIAS question.
Specific feedback
Students are given feedback that refers to their specific answer and mistakes, as if marked by hand. Feedback can be adapted for each specific evaluation or for the whole question.
Unlimited Random versions
STACK can generate random questions so students are shown different variants of questions, and can repeat Tests or Self Assessments with new variants.
Separate validation and assessment
Answers can be validated before they are marked, so students are not penalised for poor programming skills. Authors can decide how to help students by using hints.
Open-source Software
STACK for ILIAS is open source, you can use it for free in your ILIAS platform with all features available. Its licensed under GNU-GPL v3 licence. 

Contents Overview

Here you have an overview of the contents of this STACK for ILIAS demo platform, feel free to explore all its features